Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Reading Update: My Reactions to Ray's Book- Part I

Hello my dearest blogger readers,

I would like to share with you my Book-Reading Update. This is Part I To Some Thoughts on my reading of the book Everything and a Kite by Ray Romano.

Monday, Dec. 29th PM--- around 5 or 6-- early evening: I IMed the library reference desk (AIM: westmontrefdesk) to ask if they had this book that I heard about on Ray Romano's website, and after a few minutes (of I guess them searching the library "data base"), they found it, put it on hold for me, and then...

Same Day--- a little bit later: I drove to the library, with my sister (Stefanie) who needed to pick up a book that they had on hold for her, or at least she thought--ended up not getting the book that she had originally asked for (crazy, yeah I know!) I then got it, checked it out, and then after us searching around the movies and such that the library had (hey, its free renting!), we left the library and drove home (since I drove there to the library, Stef' drove back-- see how, two brother-and-sister-drivers share off the driving).

Same Day-even later--closer to 7 or 8 and/or even 9 or 10 PM: later that evening: I sat down in my comfy, circular chair (I forgot the name of it, but its round as a circular), that is in a brown leopard print, and I started reading: 1st the book flap (front and back flaps), then the dedication page, then I scanned the table of Contents page, then the Author's Note (pages ix-x), and then I started this book: with reading chapter 1 ("Nimble-Minded", and then after a quick break (of which I started listening to the Daily Breakfast with Fr. Roderick episode #590 "Christmas Presents"), I read chapter 2 ("Mom").

Below, are some of my thoughts in reaction to the first two chapters of this book.

-- of what I can recall from reading the first 2 chapters, this book seems to be based upon incidences from Ray's own life, which is also similarly what his stand-up routines are based on. You see I recently, as of a couple of years ago, brought (from the Borders in La Grange-- I remember it visually as it were yesterday) the first stand-up comedy CD from this star of Everybody Loves Raymond, which is called "Ray Romano: Live at Carnegie Hall". So, since I have (not recently as of now, but recently as of a couple of years ago), from both this stand-up comedy CD and watching a behind-the-scenes featurette that was on the last disc of season 1 that showed his Letterman Appearance stand-up routine, am able to recall some of his comedy-- so my reading of the first two chapters of this book, there were many similarities between his stand-up comedy and this book (well, at least the first two chapters).

--But, as Ray says in chapter 2, on page 9, "This book is by no means an autobiography. It's just observations on my life. ..."

--In the first chapter, about (or so) on page 4, he talks about the title of this first chapter"Nimble-Minded", and how he says on page 4, "... a magazine article I had recently read where a reporter described me as a 'nimble-minded comic Ray Romano.'" And how he goes on and says further on page 4, "OK, you ready for this? I had to look up the word 'nimble.' Are you catching the irony in that? He was calling me smart, and yet I was too dumb to understand it."

-- Well, after reading that line (or perhaps after reading the title of this first chapter), I, myself, had to look up that word "nimble." But, unlike, Ray, I had a dictionary in hand, well actually on my computer--as a widget on the dashboard.

--Further down on page 4, Ray says, "I couldn't find a dictionary, so I tried to remember where I'd heard 'nimble' before. The saddest part is the only thing I could think of was the nursery rhyme "Jack Be Nimble, Jack Be Quick." So I did some deductive reasoning. 'Well, let's see. 'Nimble' must be related to 'quick.' It couldn't be 'Jack Be Slow, Jack Be Quick.' That wouldn't make sense, even I know that So when he calls me nimble-minded, he must be giving me a compliment." Ray goes on at the end of page 4 to say, "If any magazine writers are reading this and want to compliment me in the future, use words like 'good.'"

--So, from what I can recall from this first chapter, it seems as if I am similar to Ray Romano -- well at least in the sense of having to look up a word as "nimble."

Well, that's about it for now. But, be stay tune to my blog, 'cause I'll be trying to post frequent updates on my reactions and thoughts to this book... and the reason for that is because it keeps you reading, if you are telling other people (well in this sense, blogging to you all) about the book and my reactions. (and did I forget to mention---that I am reading this book for fun?--well, I am! and I think that it will be a FUNny read!

Happy New Year to all of you, and Happy Reading!


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

My Christmas Greetings To You All!

A Special Message with regards to photos at the beginning of this post:
Christmas Photos, taken by me--of course, will be coming soon to this blog... some christmas photos that you can look forward to include, but might not be limited to: our christmas tree with all the presents wrapped underneath, and beside, the tree.  So, seeing that its very late, or very early-- that is whichever way you look at it!, I am going to try to post some photos in another post, hopefully today, but if not tomorrow or the next--seeing that it'll still be the christmas season!  Meanwhile, be sure to check out my photo page of my pictures of the Lincoln Park Zoo Lights!

Merry Christmas To All My Dearest Readers, 

The first thing that I must say to you is that I am currently writing this very early in the morning on Thursday, December 25th, 2008-- Christmas Day, and why you may ask? Well, for no reason-- I just felt like it.  As I am writing this christmas greetings blog post to you all, I am listening to some christmas music from a playlist that I've put together in my iTunes called "Holiday-christmas Tunes." 

So, now I would like to tell you-- briefly-- what my day was like on Christmas Eve--Dec. 24th-- yesterday.  Amid brief segments of cleaning my "so much dreaded by me, and all" bathroom, and some "light cleaning/organizing of my desk-top area, as well as putting away some clean "darks"--two loads-- of clothes, I managed to catch up on some podcasting listening-- some great SQPN, Catholic contented podcasts!    

Before I started listening to a couple of SQPN podcasts, I should probably mention to you that I finished listening to the last two parts of the Young Adult Ministry-Archdiocese of Chicago--'s Advent Reflections: Be Watchful! -- which I highly recommend, but now that its Christmas, its a little bit too late for advent reflections--- what we need now is Christmas reflections or celebrations!!!   I started with listening to the latest episode of Catholic in a Small Town, which was episode: CST #111: Mad Mac , which was very interesting, entertaining, and funny--at times, per always!  I highly recommend this catholic podcast, as I do most all SQPN catholic podcasts that I've listened to.  

Soon after finishing to CST podcast (catholic in a smalltown podcast, not to get confused with my, or anyone's, Computer Science and Telecommunications class(es)!), I began my Daily Breakfast with Fr. Roderick marathon-- since I was in "drastic" need to catch up on about 4-5 episodes of the Daily Breakfast catholic, "SQPN- talk show" podcast!  The following is the run down of the episodes that I listened to today (in list form): --- I finished up listening to Fr. Roderick's travel tales from his (I believe it was a...) 5 day trip to Rome and the Vatican! ... 

I recommend that you check out this page, that SQPN wishes everyone a merry christmas! 

It's getting late, and I need my sleep for a morning-- later morning than this as I am writing this blog post,--- for unwrapping presents, and of course taking pictures of my sisters and dad opening their presents!  But, first I must tell you all about, briefly--or as brief as I can be, about my christmas present to my sisters... it was a photo college of the both of them-- here let me explain if you are all curious... For my sister, Stefanie, I made a photo collage of pictures of her-- just her, or mostly her. And, similar, yet uniquely different in its own way, a photo collage for my sister, Caroline.  This is a home made gift for my sisters from me, their big, older, and very "mature" brother!  I got the idea from a front page article on the Torch (RU's student newspaper) that was in the last issue of this fall 08 semester (issue 12).   The article had mentioned some different gift ideas that you could "home-make."  And the article mentioned for those who always have a camera in hand (I'm paraphrasing here) to use their many photos has a gift... so after many hours of tirelessly working with photos of my two sisters, I created them each both individually uniquely different a photo college for the both of them.

Before I leave you, I would like to give you, yet another, link, but this time its of my Video Blog #4-- that I made on Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008, of which I have a special guest on-- who is my best friend, Kyle Erickson. I very much and highly recommend that you watch it and then post a comment or email me your feedback on what you think!!!   In the video, we basically just ramble on for about half an hour (about 28 minutes) on many different topics.  I would like to say now that Kyle is truly a very special friend of whom I enjoy spending time and just hanging out with him!!!-- and I think that this video blog #4 shows just how "whacky at times" and how true friends the both of us all-- even after graduating from Westmont High School!  So, check it out by clicking the link above for the video blog #4 and then add a comment to this post or email me your feedback to this video blog #4-- and this post as as whole! 

Well, now its getting late, but I hope to be back soon with perhaps some christmas photos, and perhaps some commentary, and maybe even a short "special" christmas greeting video blog (#5)!-- who knows!..you're just have to wait and see!  But, now I need my sleep-- however short/petite it may be, ... well that's just how it is for me, or most any college/or student on winter break!!! (or for that matter any time during the academic year!!!)

So, on behalf of myself and everyone in my family, I would like to wish you all a very blessed, holy, and merry christmas!   

May you all have a peaceful, blessed, and merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas,
  ~ Daniel

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


To learn more about the book, or rather, to buy the book, then go to the Halo Store on Busted Halo, and then click on the "Books" category near the left hand margin, and then from their click on the "Young Adult Spirituality" category, and from there scroll down the list of product names(titles) until you come upon the title for this pictured (above) book called Googling God: Religious Landscape of People in Their 20s and 30s. The book costs $16.95. 
While you are here at the Busted Halo website, then I heartily recommend that you check out this site--mainly for young adult Catholic's in their 20s and 30s.  

Hello my blogger readers,

  The first item on the agenda for today's "daily" blog post is that of a correction that I would like to make.  I was, or had planned to, upload my video blog post #3 to the previous post (the one right before this one) and for some unforeseen, by me, reason I could not get it to upload to this blog, so don't worry folks, 'cause I am providing you all with a link that you can see my video blog #3... please click on the following link to be directed to my Video Blog #3

  In book-reading news, I don't worry have that much to report, as of now, but perhaps at a later date.  I am just going to leave you all with the title of the book that I just currently started reading ("for fun").  Here it is:
The Religious Landscape of People in their 20s and 30s
by Mike Hayes

   Perhaps once I get a little bit more reading done(as previously stated, I am only at the very beginning--I've read the following beginning sections: acknowledgments, Foreword; and am currently reading the introduction.  ONCE I GET A LITTLE BIT MORE READ, I am going to blog/journal to you some of my "reader response" thoughts on this book, as I am reading, so you all will get a "live", as I am reading this book, insights, reactions, thoughts, and comments about this book that I have. -- SO THIS IS SOMETHING THAT you can all look forward to! 

 So, until the next time that I blog to you, I hope that you all had a happy thanksgiving last week--that you all were stuffed with food, are going to have a nice spiritual advent preparation for Christmas!  So, on behalf of myself, I would like to wish you all a very spiritual and joyous advent, as well as a chilly, yet hopefully still very much warm winter! 

Take Care,

Friday, November 28, 2008

It's Time For Updates, including my 3rd video blog post!

Hello Blogger Readers, 

In today's post, assuming that all goes as planned, I have uploaded, as is below, my 3rd video blog post. This was created yesterday, on Thanksgiving Day.  So, as I would rather blog in this written form, I am taking a break of the "norm" and bring to you this 3rd video blog post.  

In other news, I am currently, also in the process of updating my business page on my website with links to my business form (PDF, Word, and and Online Form).  Also updated on my website is a new breaking news update on my blog, as well as this 3rd video blog post.  So, wit all the updates on my site, I thought that it would be time to give this "daily" blog, or journal blog an update! 

So, enjoy this 3rd video blog post and after you have viewed it, please feel free to post a comment to this post! So, Enjoy! 

Happy Thanksgiving!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Is DR. WEB harmful or not? / BACK FROM RETREAT: My Reflected-Scheduled Notes

Hello Friends, Family, and all else who may read this blog of mine, 

Well, I'm back.  It's been about a week, or so, since I lasted blogged to you since I last blogged to you on Halloween and the previous couple of days leading up to that spooky, All Saint's Day EVE, holiday!  So, what's on the "so-called, brief" agenda for today's UPDATE of me and thoughts to share.  Well, basically, going off the title of this post, there are two topics to be discussed for today: the first (I.) is going to be a recommended website that I am providing you all and based on that site, I will briefly ask/discuss with you is: Is "DR. WEB" harmful or not?; and the second (II.) is my reflected notes from my Shellbourne College Retreat--as taken from my small "memo-book", 60-sheet, notebook.  So, that's the brief introduction and now, onto the body (and point) of today's "updated on me" post! 

I. Is DR. WEB harmful or not?
Its amazing at what you learn (and apply) from a CST 100-01 (essential computer skills) class.  (and yes, this is the same class that this "daily" blog, that you are currently reading, was created.)  So, anyways, it is from this class, that my instructor, Professor Wright, gave us a link to a health related website (maybe you've heard of it, or maybe you've not), so here it is and let me know if you find use of this helpful health website and what your thoughts are, using these questions to guide you in your thoughtful response about this health-related website: Is it a good site or not?-- meaning is it harmful or good that people could "potentially diagnose" themselves over the web without consulting a "real-life" doctor.    Dr. Web, Web MD, can be accessed/located from the following website: http://www.webmd.com/
*RELATING THIS SITE/STORY to the RU community, this could bean equivalent
substitute, of sorts, to a student health center--a recommended source where
students could go to for health related information-- basically this could be
this could be the basis in seeing if one (a student/person) would have to see if
he/she is need of a "real-life" doctor consultation or not.

*Coming possibly soon might be an article, written by me, for the Torch (RU's student newspaper) on this first topic discussed, briefly, above. 

II. My Reflected-Scheduled Notes: From My Shellbourne College Retreat

Shellbourne College Retreat
(Oct. 31 - Nov. 2, 2008)
Insights, Resolutions, and Notes 
reflected by: Daniel S.
  • I stayed in ("my living quarters"): Lodge, 2nd floor-- Room 2-7
  • Retreat Attendees: Fr. Paul(chaplain); Jeff(retreat director); Dan(me; collegiate retreat attendee); Matt(collegiate retreat attendee); Erik(collegiate retreat attendee)  ---------->there were "3 retreat attendees"
The college Retreat "officially", as said on the schedule, begins/began at 7:00 p.m. (scheduled activities were subject to change and did have notable adjustments and changes for a few of the activities.  

The following is my documented schedule, with various notes, insights, and resolutions that I "journalistly" took down-- most related to the subject/topic manner of the various activities of the retreat, while a few went off topic relating to some reminders that came onto my head during the retreat to remind myself of at a latter, some time after, the retreat.  

Friday, October 31, 2008


Hello My Blogger Readers, 

I wish you all a very Happy, and Spooky trick or treat Halloween day Today and a have a happy All Saints Day tomorrow(Saturday, Nov. 1st), a happy All Souls Day on sunday, Nov.2nd, and like always this fall season, a happy autumnal day!

This post will be short since I don't have that much time... but on the other hand, all I have at RU today is work--student door monitor, then turn in my time sheet for these past 2 weeks--and then at 5pm I get picked up to go to Shellbourne for the retreat and will be there all weekend, and will be back Sunday afternoon.   

Take Care in having a very spooky-fun-trick-or-treat-halloween day as well as have a happy All Saints Day and All Souls Day this saturday and sunday!

Happy Spooky-Fun HALLOWEEN Today! 

P.S. I don't think that I am going to dress up in a costume today-- so I would just say that I am BEING ME this year for halloween! 
(unless things change--but I don't plan on going trick-o-treating due to me going on the retreat this weekend-- and I'm fine with no trick-o-treating because as I look at it: you can get candy ANYDAY!)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

To Be or Not To Be...A Dog?

"Rosie," the puppy -- our first dog
Who can't love this puppy?--It pretty hard not to-- this is a very lovable, adorable puppy that anyone who meets it, those who like dogs or who don't will "fall in love" with our first puppy, pictured here!  Please read my following post on To Be Or Not To Be...A Dog? 

Hello My Blogger Friends, 

Today I would like to explore a topic about dogs.  Now, I am not one to like dogs nor talk about them, pet them, hold them, "play with them", or, for that matter get near, near them.   As you may or may not know, my sister ask for a puppy since my other sister was going away to college (I'm living at home this first year).  So, we did.  Our puppy is named "Rosie" and is pictured above.  Now, enough about this, what could be called "background info" on this topic that I would like to explore with you all and on to what I was thinking just hours earlier this early-evening...

As I get better acquainted with our "petite" puppy, I get this feeling--better yet, this imaginable "feeling" of what would it be like to be a dog.  I see our small, while still very much lovable dog.  Now, to be faithful honest, I was not big into getting a dog, let along this small puppy.  But, obviously, now, I've gotten--a little--used to this "petite" puppy.   You could say that I'm not afraid of dogs anymore, but that would be a "lie"--sure there are still some "bigger" dogs that I am still afraid of, but "petite" dogs such as this one (as pictured above). 

What would it be like to be a dog?--to just be lying there all day? to lie in your crate, to play, to not "speak as a human" and only "speak like a dark--bark, bark, whine, whine, etc."  I was thinking about this lately... what would it be like to be a dog?  If you all just imagine this for a few minutes now--think  about it.   Wouldn't it be neat to be a "petite" puppy like the one photographed above?  or not?  I think that it might be-- well for starters, you won't have any of the human pressures and deals with work, etc.,--but in all reality, I like my life--as a human.  But, its fun to think about this--what it would be like to be a dog--don't you think? -- I look forward to hearing your comments to this post or email feedback about this imagining question.  

Well, that's about all now.   

Remember folks... this weekend I will be on retreat at Shellbourne.  

Hope to blog to you again sometime soon. 

Have a very Happy Halloween Today, happy All Saints Day tomorrow, happy All Souls Day on sunday, and a happy autumnal day!

Take Care,


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Back Blogging: Going On Silent Retreat this weekend!

Hello Friends (and family), 

Well, I'm back at blogging to you.  It's been almost a week since I've last blogged to you, but have no fear, 'cause I'm back at giving you another blog post for today.  First off, let me begin by saying that not much as happened "overall" on a "grand scale."  Now, let me tell you about my upcoming "exciting", yet silent prayerful weekend...

This weekend, Oct. 31-Nov.2, I will be going to Shellbourne for a "college guys" retreat.  The retreated is headed by Opus Dei... Here is some further information about the retreat, Shellbourne, and Opus Dei, as well as a link of where you can find further information of this type of retreat (for men and women--high school, college aged, and adults--separate gendered retreats) if it interests you (there's a schedule of retreat dates, how make a reservation, contact, and other information)... 

This weekend, Oct. 31-Nov. 2, I am going on a retreat for college guys, held at Shellbourne Conference Center in Valparaiso, Indiana. I went to this retreat, for the first time, last year around this same time for the “high school guys” retreat, and now, this year, I am returning, as a college guy, for the “college guys” retreat.

From shellbourne.org: “An Opportunity to Reflect.” Shellbourne is a conference center located in Valparaiso, Indiana, that offers spiritual retreats to men and women separately. The spiritual activities offered at Shellbourne Conference Center are entrusted to Opus Dei, a Personal Prelature of the Catholic Church. Retreats at Shellbourne provide the opportunity to reflect on the meaning of one’s everyday occupations, family life and relationships with God and others, in light of the basic truths of the Catholic faith. An atmosphere of personal prayer and recollection is maintained during the retreat.

So, if you do not hear from me this weekend via email, in person, via blogger, twitter, FaceBook, or any other medium of communication, then now you know why... it's 'cause I'm on a 3-day weekend silent retreat (from Friday, Oct. 31 at 7:30 p.m. till Sun., Nov. 2 at 3 p.m., or perhaps its 2 p.m.). 

In my "weekly blog" news, you've probably noticed that last week I had not posted a new entry.  Well, I just didn't have time or forgot... but don't worry, because I'll post again and be sure to update you all--my followers, fans, and readers of me!

Today the weather is... SUNNY, without a cloud in the sky! a bit breezy, but overall, today, its BEAUTIFUL WEATHER! 

Well, I need to get going now, but I'll be back again with another post again soon-- an exact date is undetermined now, so you'll just have to be surprised!, so until next time remember to stay updated with me!

Have a happy autumnal day (and a happy Halloween this Friday, Oct. 31-trick o' treat)!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Some "semi-"Personal Thoughts To Reveal & Celebrating 10 Awesome, Daily Posts!

Dear Journal,

Today you have probably noticed that I am formatting and writing this entry post a bit different than my previous, "regular looking" posts and I have no for certain reason for that, except to say that every once in a while, change is good. We all need change. The other unforcertain reason is because I want this post to have the appearance of a journal entry--perhaps a "personal journal", but I do not want you all to get alarmed by the term, "personal", or by this title of tis post, "some personal thoughts to reveal," because don't worry, I am not going to reveal any private family secret (if there is/were any) or private fact about myself (if there is/were any); but, on the other-hand, what I do plan to do is to journal to you today about some of thoughts that I have that I don't really like to talk about, and these thoughts are also ones that I do not care that deeply about, but do come on my mind every one in a while, so I thought that I would take the time today to let you all know. Now, for me by blogging this to you means, obviously, that I am posting this to the internet, of which anyone who knows the address can read (or if you type the name of my blog, this blog, into Google, will the address be one of the Top 3, 5, or 10 hits that appear on page 1 of Google's searched site list, since this blog is created using blogger.com, it is, also obviously, a part of Google. Now, to continue on with this introduction and before I get to the body, meaning of this journal entry (blog post), I would like to get something clarified with you all and it is this: I need to define the definition of the word, "journal", for you all [defined from the dictionary: "Apple's Dictionary, Version 2.0.2 (51.4)] so you all are clarified on what kind of journal this is... First, let's get one thing straight--this is not under any circumstance the first definition which is: (1) a newspaper or magazine that deals with a particular subject or professional activity (ex. medical journals, the Wall Street Journal), and is also not the second definition, of which is one of the definitions--that and the 2nd part of this second definition--that I usually use as the definition for my "regular looking", previous blog posts (journal entries), and this is: (2) a daily record of news and events of a personal nature; a diary.(ex. Nautical a logbook.), and the third definition is absolutely not related to this type of journal noun as in writing definition, but I thought that I would throw it in for the sake of defining a word and that is this: (3) Mechanics | the part of a shaft or axle that rests on bearings. And, I thought that the Origin of this word "journal" really interesting, especially since I studied French (not Old French, as it says, but French) for two years in high schools (French I and II my junior and senior years of high school), and so the ORIGIN of this word journal is this: late Middle English (originally denoting a book containing the appointed times of daily prayers): form Old French jurnal, from late Latin diurnalis (see diurnal). This word journal is pronounced like |ˈjərnl|, and the part of speech is a noun. And, YES, I did physically myself type out that entire, 3-part (and origin) definition. Now, let's get back on track... The definition that I would like to use for the sake of this entry (post) is the second part of the second definition ("a diary") and its because this is more of a diary entry-- and that brings me upon a almost ending introduction, "transition sentence"--which is this: I am hear to tell you that a diary is not only for girls... even though that term, usage of the word seems to get used and referred to girls, whereas the broader word, "journal" gets used with boys and yes I do often call my "daily record ... of a personal nature ... log book" is journal, but I could call it a diary, and I have my usages for both, similar in definition, words. And, I think, actually scratch that (not literally!--get it, you can tell that went to two evenings in a row of comedy shows with "adult-aged, college-aged" humor), I am going to call this entry: a diary entry, so I could begin by having my greeting by "Dear Diary," , and maybe I will (or maybe I won't, since I already began, and I like beginning personal--or sharing personal--journal/diary entries with "Dear Journal,"), or maybe I will beginning now after this introduction to this post. So, enough already with introducing and let's begin with the publicly, "internetting" sharing of some "semi-personal" thoughts...

Where has our society gone to if its so easy to find out about people in the split of a second? This first topic that I am going to discuss with you is why so many people (mainly students) spend so much wasteful time on such networking sites as FaceBook. Last night, I went to hear this comedian, Wendi Fox, talk in the Congress Lounge (2nd Floor, AUD) @ RU, as part of one of the homecoming SPEED-,and your SAF (student activity fee)-hosted activity. So, one of the things that I heard was that a classic good example of how "frightening" the internet, specifically such networking sites as FaceBook, are and that is this that she told us of a good proclaimed on his Facebook that his parents were out of town, and so the result of this "not-to-be-publicly proclaimed over cyber space" was that there house was robbed. So, as you can see its unfortunate that things like this happen, but it helps all the rest of us learn from other peoples mistakes in the hopes of better protecting ourselves. So, if you, who are reading this, have a FaceBook or do not have one, then answer me this multi-part question: Do you think that it is safe to have one?, Should you have one?, If you have one, should you delete it? (which I did for most of my senior year of high school b/c it go to be too much drama for me, and then I went back on it this summer and really got into it), How much time should be spent using FaceBook--daily? weekly? monthly? bimonthly? yearly? biyearly?--How long is too long? Is every hour of the day too much? What minute, or even every second of the day?(these people, the every minute, every second, FaceBook checkers are either a) have too much time on their hands, or b)are stalkers and need to be publicly warned and banned from internet usage, or c)both.) I will be honest in that towards the beginning of summer all the way through the first 2-3 days of my beginning college days (first week of September 2008), I did check my Facebook just about once (or twice or "thwice"-3 times) a day, but now that I've gotten busy (which is a good thing, at times), I rarely check it once, twice, or "thwice" a day, maybe once a week(but even that is rare), and maybe every couple of weeks or at least once a month(maybe)... I use it more as the "popular use" of it which is for "social networking" and keeping updated with friends and my former classmates of which I've graduated with this past May 27, 2008 @ 7 p.m. till appox. 8-8:30 p.m. So, FaceBook. Is it a good site? bad site? why or why not? Do people take advantage of it? Overall, the big, central idea-question here of which I've just attempted at discussing with you and now am asking you to do the same in return (if and only if you have time time) to respond to this deeply, emotional at times, question: What's your thoughts on this FaceBook ,networking site-driven society?

What is with dating in today's society or just dating in general? This second topic that I am going to talk about is dating. This is a topic that I am not interested in verbally discussing, or for that matter discussing in written form. I will begin by first providing you all with a simple definition (like I did for word "journal" in paragraph 1) of this word "date" (we're going to be using this word in an "-ing" version and the "singular" version as well, but it all means the same thing), and here it is: According to the Apple Program Dictionary Version 2.0.2 (51.4), the word "date" is defined as (informal) a social or romantic appointment or engagement. In example in context is this: a college student on a date with someone her met in class. So, what's with this word "date" or "dating"? Why am I discussing it what this journal-entry format and titling this entry (post) as "some personal thoughts to reveal." Well, that's because there is something that you might (or might not, but for you "not wanting to know" folks this is for you...) want to know and it is this, that I ... have ... not ... and I mean not ... been ... on a ... "date", as in the sense of being defined here by Apple's Dictionary. So, what's the big reason to why I do not "verbally" talk about this or "virtually" talk about this(as I'm doing now-cyber space, virtual discussion on this topic)? Well, its simple, I have always, I guess you could consider it, "weird" talking about such topics as "dating". Sure, I've been out with friends and that sort of thing, but never, never have I been on a "date" as dictionary-defined "date" (see definition above to know what I'm talking about). For whenever I am around my West Chicago residee conservative friend or his similarly (and rightfully-so) conservative family, I get the feel from him/them that they are not "big" into the whole "dating scene", as in contrast many liberals (and maybe a couple or few conservatives) are more into discussing, doing, going on dates and dating at the level and definition as described in the 2nd sentence of this 3rd paragraph. Its also hard to talk to my conservative friend since he is (currently a sophomore) at LeTourneau University, which is a private, nondenominational Christian university based in Longview, Texas, and I'm guessing that there is a majority of conservatives who attend are are conservative in their thinking and way of life (which there is absolutely nothing wrong with that), so furthermore, yes, my conservative friend, Dave, does talk about and mention girls (and sometimes dating) on his blog, but from a conservative perspective, -- so its hard to talk about talk to him about this in a way that other people may, or feel more relaxed on the topic. But, that doesn't really matter because we find other, more interesting, topics to talk about, such as technology, news, college, etc. So, this is getting pretty long already and I need to get on with my life--more specifically, my day-- and so I think, sadly to me (and you know it to--come on admit it) that I am going to conclude and wrap up this journal entry. It's been very kind of you all for letting me share with you this somewhat "semi-personal" topic -- this topic is more "personal/semi-personal" then paragraph 2's first topic. So, do I plan to date in the future? Simple answer is: yes. and the sub-question based on the simple answer is, when?--answer to this is: who knows?--could be this year, or next year or 2 years from now, 3 years from now, 4, maybe 5, or 6, or who knows--- why think about it? Why have I not dated in high school, or even now?, and based on this question, why have I not ever asked a "attractive, cute" girl out on a "date"? Well, the answer to both of those questions is this: In high school, I really wanted to just concentrate on my studies and I always felt (and this is the true, real, first time told answer) that if I ever "got involved" in dating or even for that matter went on a date, then I could loose all mode of concentration for my studies-- perhaps, for this answer, you could call me a nerd, a geek, or even techie, which those three "labels" could describe me, or for the fact that since I have learning disabilities (L.D.) it take me longer to learn material (and such), but also going along with my L.D., I was reading recently (as recent as Spring 2008) about L.D., since I filling out a learning disability "Anne Ford Scholarship" for peoples, like myself, for have learning disabilities (of which I am NOT ashamed-- I am proud and also very much proud to be a Special Olympian Athlete), so where was I, oh yeah, I needed to learn more about my learning disability and in doing so I discovered, from a great awesome site for all peoples who have learning disabilities like myself, a site just for us to help us and found very useful in helping me transition to college and adult life and in becoming more independent (because its really hard for me and other related L.D. folks) and I will link this site here in this entry, below, for you, but anyone back to what I wanted to tell you and that is this--that people (like myself) who have L.D. having trouble dating, and the whole "relationship" thing. The site is the National Center for Learning Disabilities, which you can go to at http://www.ncld.org/. TO ALL COLLEGE STUDENTS WITH L.D.: my advice to you, as a fellow L.D. student, would be to click on the link "At College and Work" at the top of the home page. Anyways, moreover about the who L.D. and dating ("relationships") subtopic, I discovered this (from the site http://www.ncld.org/content/view/369/406/, title "LD & Relationships")--well, right now I couldn't find it on this page now, but I now that somewhere else on the NCLD.ORG, link "At College and Work", I did find once before and is basically what I said about 2-3 sentences ago(before this one). So, if anyone of you out there who is reading this journal entry (blog post) has any advice on this topic for a LD student whose never dated before and may want to sometime in the near future(but still future-future), then I'd appreciate it and you may do so be posting a comment or by emailing me at dan18writer@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing about what you all have to say about this "semi-personal" topic. So, "semi-"similar to the previous first topic in paragraph 2, I am planning on leaving you with this topic, for now, with a question to ponder. So, here are some questions for you to ponder and reflect about with regards to this topic... Why can "dating" be considered a big thing? Why is it hard for some people, like myself who have LD, to go up to a "cute-attractive" girl and ask them out and go on a date with them? Why is it that if we (people who have LD, like myself, who have trouble with dating) have trouble going up to an attractive girl?--when will be our time ... to come along with the crowd and "date.." Before I leave you I need to correct something with what I said towards the beginning of (or somewhere else throughout) this paragraph, and that is this-- I, just now, recalled that I did "sort of-kind of" go on a "date" and that was my senior-year prom. It was with a neighbor who lives down the block from me. Her name is Hattie B. (for the sake of this being published on my "daily-"blog, I am only going to give you the first letter of the last name.) Here's how it happened: I made the "mistake" or "not-mistake" by telling my dad, through a journal, much similar to some of the topics mentioned in this 3rd paragraph, about how I never dated, and I even made the mistake of mentioning a girl (who last year was a sophomore, was in my 2nd semester digital photography class, and now is currently a junior) named Cecille K. (which it doesn't matter now because she's still in her final two years of high school, and I'm on to bigger and better things--and being at RU means that, I remember hearing from the orientation that there is more girls than guys here at this university, and of which I have seen some, possibly-could be considered "cute-attractive", perhaps yeah or perhaps nah. Now, back to my "first-temporary-test date" with Hattie B.-- I might be now, for the first time, ever, be attempting to you all that I did/do think that she is "cute-attractive", along similarly to Cecille K. In a long reach, dreamy, attractiveness way, I also think--and can't believe that I am journaling (blogging) about this--- this is a HUGE opening up that I am doing, so I hope that you all appreciate this-- so that I think a couple of celebrities (actresses) are "cute-attractive" and they are (go to google or www.imdb.com for a photos and mainly further information about them): Kay Panabaker, Madylin Sweeten(my friend Kyle Erickson can attest that I like Madylin S. and Kay P.--he's seen pictures of them that I sent him--oops! why did I tell you that???), Kristen Stewart -- and that's about all that I can think of now, I'm sure that there's more, or futureley more, but for now that's it. And, that's about it for this topic/journal entry, so on that note, let me leave you pondering some reflective questions on this topic: Why can "dating" be considered a big thing? Why is it hard for some people, like myself who have LD, to go up to a "cute-attractive" girl and ask them out and go on a date with them?

Wow! It appears to be that my 3rd paragraph is the LONGEST of all three paragraphs-- its because I revealed with you some thoughts that I had on a topic that I don't usually care to discuss verbally or electronically virtually; but that might just change now, now that you just witnessed here--virtually,publicly--on my blog. This fourth and concluding paragraph to this awesome revealing entry maybe short or not--that's for me to know (or not know) and you to figure out! So, let me give you a quick sums up summary of the topics, words, and thoughts that I just publicized in this entry (post): In paragraph one, I defined the word "journal" and I made you all clear of the distant, yet very much similar "diary" and finally I cleared up any confusion on your thinking of journal=guys and diary =gals: which is not, necessary true, as thought up of and told by me. Paragraph Two was about the first topic (not personal, but very much an modern-day, real-life issue) of FaceBook and this facebook, networking site-driven society. In paragraph three (the longest of four paragraphs), directly above this fourth concluding one, was about dating, dates, and why can "dating" be considered a big thing? In paragraph four, this one, I conclude and sum up what I discussed in this revealing journal entry as a whole. So, will I ever go on my first "actual, not test" date?--well, if I ever do then it'll make big headlines on my daily blog and weekly blog and of which you all, if you are still reading that by that time, (who knows how close or distant that future might be), will find out too! You now know why I didn't date before--because of me not wanting to loose my study concentrations--that's me being, been the "techie", "geeky" me concerned-in love with-my computer [mac]! I hope that you all enjoyed reading about this journal entry (made published possibly by my daily blog--so thank blogger.com for its years in blogging existence!) --- and remember that I always enjoy reading your feedback-driven comments of which you can always 24/7, electronically reach me via email @ dan18writer@gmail.com to tell me all your answers to any questions that I may pose, and most of all just plain your feedback and comments!

Take Care,

My Daily Blog Post:
... Should I Continue with this Daily Blog? : READ ON to discover if I blog to you again or not! ...  

Hello My Blogger Readers,

This is Part II of my blog post today.  It is because we are celebrating such an awesome and great 10 daily posts to date, I have decided to give you a DOUBLE POST-- that's right, you get, "two for the read of one!" --oh, boy, how lucky are you!  , you can to read not 1, but 2 posts from me today in celebration of this awesome 10 daily post mark!   *In case you are wondering where Part I is, or couldn't "tell between the lines", the above "Dear Journal," journal entry was Part I of this blog post.  

For this CST 100-01 extra-credit assignment of creating and keeping a blog on blogger.com for [at least] 10 days, I know have the needed 10 entries to the extra-credit. I think that I will keep this daily blog going! I never knew how fun it is-- but now, that is after Monday, Oct. 27th, I won't have to worry about having to keep it updated everyday (or almost everyday)... I can now (as of Monday, Oct. 27th), post whenever I want--maybe every couple of days... but will this blog still be nicknamed, "daily blog"? Maybe or may not?--I'll let you decide.--add a comment to this post and let me know!

TO PROFESSOR WRIGHT: For extra credit, I have the required 10 entries (and I think that I am going to keep blogging with more future posts). You can keep updated with future, more posts about me and my thoughts on whatever topic "strikes my fashion." To keep updated to my "daily blog", you can visit http://dansjournal-thoughtstoshare.blogspot.com/ and to keep updated with my "weekly blog" you can visit http://web.me.com/danielsmrokowski/Dans_Photography/My_Photographic_Commentary_%28Blog%29/My_Photographic_Commentary_%28Blog%29.html. Let me know what you think by emailing me "email feedback" or/and by adding a comment to whatever entry on whichever blog you wish!

Thanks all, for staying with me for these 10 posts and I hope that you all continue to stay updated and informed to my blog about me! -- There's more to come,--let's hope!

Have a Blessed Evening, glorious day, wonderful Friday, and an enjoyable and relaxful weekend!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Another Busy Day: A Quick Detailed Post!

Hello My Blogger Readers,

Welcome back to another one of my daily posts, blogged to you only on my daily blog! I'm glad that you've been able to join me for another post.  Today is somewhat similar to yesterday in that its another busy, and tiring, day, which means-- yep!, you've guessed it--that's right, as what the title of this post says, today's post will be another quick, brief, and I mean brief post. I have had another (similar to yesterday) busy (and at times tiring) day today--of which I will quickly and briefly sum it up for you today and then I'll leave you for today-- but don't worry 'cause I'll try to be back tomorrow and blog you with another great post tomorrow!

My Itinerary/Daily Schedule For TODAY:
6:30 AM-- suppose to wake up, but since I went to bed around 12:00 midnight (or maybe it was closer to 1:00-1:30 a.m., because I was catching up on some important work very late last night, when in actuality was in the wee-hours of the early morning today).   So, to clarify for you all, I actually woke up at about 20 minutes to half hour later--at about, approx. 6:50 a.m. - 7:00 a.m.

7-8:30 AM-- I got some last minute work done, checked my email, "ate breakfast", got my CST 100-01 binder better organized (and finished organizing it on the entire train ride from about Claiden Hills train stop area all the way to Chicago, Union Station until a minute before they closed the doors (and I was just 1 minute from being locked on the metra BNSF train this morning!! -- its a good thing that I wasn't and its also a good thing that I gave myself/I had about 1 hour and 20 minutes (or so, give or take a little) until my first class today, which starts at  11:00 AM. 

approx.8:49-9:42AM- took metra bnsf train TO chicago, union station

10:00-10:55AM- I went to the AUD, 2nd Floor Fairnman Lounge to check my email and catch up on my other "morning routine" and get ready for the day.

11:00AM-12:15PM-- i went to my U.S. POLITICS class. (exam 2 was changed to Oct. 29, meaning that we got an extra day to study!!! yea!!)

12:30-1:10 PM-- I went to my CST 100-01 (essential computer skills) class.  
 Today's  (10/22/2K8) CST 100-01 Class Agenda:
A) WEB MD --"Better information. Better health." Check out this site for all of your health related concerns!
B) EXCEL #2 -- OCT. 27

2 -- TEST, WORD 2007
--> I took the test from 12:30 - 1:10 p.m. It took me (duration) 40 minutes, but whose counting! (oh yeah, I am...but why?... I guess so that I way I have a baseline, not that matters b/c it could always change come the future tests for this class!

approx. 1:40-3 p.m. -- I worked as a student door monitor-- michigan ave. ADA ASSESSIBLE (politically correct term; *please note, no matter how I used to use it, "handicapped" is not the current politically correct to say) entrance.
--during this time I checked m email, listened to another episode of the "Daily Breakfast w/ Father Roderick"

approx.3-4:40  p.m.-- I went to a another homecoming, hosted by SPEED, activity (matinee showing of "28 days"), which should last until about until approx. 4:40 p.m.

approx. 4:45-7:55 p.m. --  I  now have some free ("study") time.  It is now when I am catching up on some email, RU SPEED from last night (and other) awesome pictures, and studying. ... the counseling center was offering this free pizza, games thing directly after the matinee showing of 28 Days in honor of Alcohol Awareness Week, but I decided not to go because I figured that I could (and CAN) find better use of my time if I plan on gong to the 8pm SPEED HOMECOMING activity. 

8:00-approx.9:10(or 9:15)p.m. -- I'm going to go to another speed homecoming activity:
With Wendi Fox, Comedian
October 22, 2008 
Congress Lounge, AUD 2nd Floor
RootBEER and other party snacks will be served!

9:40 p.m. -- I'm planning to try to catch this train home. I plan to get some reading done (if I'm not too tired-- that must mean one word for my train ride home (somehow, I might need some..): Caffeine, but not too much--perhaps some DECAFF COFFEE (QUESTION OF THE ENTRY: Isn't it true that DECAFF has SOME Caffeine?) 
10:20 p.m. -- plan to arrive home; 

10:30 p.m. -- so I'll be home by this time. 

oh boy has this been another (twice in a row) full and busy day!

So, I've got to go now... but, don't worry, have no fear 'cause, I'll be blogging to you again very soon--perhaps, hopefully tomorrow!

Thanks and, like always, stay tuned.

By the way, here is this week's Weather Report ~ WED TO FRI ~ For Chicago, IL:

TODAY (WED) : is ANOTHER SUNNY DAY with a 53 degree high temperature. (not raining!!) The weather report for today looks like it was sunny with clouds for most of the week except on Friday (now, as of today-WED) 

THU: As it said yesterday that Thursday was suppose to be the rainy day, it looks like now Thursday (tomorrow) appears to be sunny, with clouds, and a temperature of 58 degrees.

FRI : It appears to be [pouring] rain with 60 degrees temperature.   :(

Who knows what the weather could be tomorrow? -- the weather could rapidly change--see Thursday's and Friday's weather report above. 

If you would like to see the weather for YOUR SPECIFIC CITY, please click this link provided here so you know whether or not to bring a rain coat or not: AccuWeather.com

As always, I look forward to your comments and feedback to this post and my entire daily blog as a whole (and everything that I write)!  -- You can either Add A Comment to this post Or you may email me your feedback: You Choose, which electrionic way you want to provide me feedback and comments! 

Have A Good Night And A Happy Autumnal Day,
-- Dan

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Busy Day Means A Quick Blog Post!

Hello My Dearest Blog Readers, 

As what the title of this post says, today's post will be quick, brief, and I mean brief.  I have had a busy day today--of which I will quickly and briefly sum it up for you today and then I'll leave you for today-- but don't worry 'cause I'll try to be back tomorrow and blog you with another great post tomorrow!

6:30 AM-- suppose to wake up, but since I went to bed around 12:00 midnight to 12:30 AM, I actually woke up at about a half hour later-at about 7 AM. 

8:20-8:49-- took metra bnsf train to chicago, union station

9:30-10:45-- I WENT TO MY ENGLISH 100 CLASS.

11:00-12:15PM-- i went to my PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY class.

12:30-2:00 PM-- I met w/ Erika huber and we studied for my Physical Geography MIDTERM--WHICH IS THURSDAY, OCT. 23rd--our next class! 

2-4pm -- i worked as a student door monitor-- michigan ave. handcappied entrane.
--during this time I wrote an editorial story for the torch. --details on this to come as soon as it becomes available. 

after work from about 4:30-4:55 pm-- i had Clay edit it for me and then I immeditaly emailed it into the Torch EDITOR.

5-5:40 pm-- I went to the SGA meeting (tshirt tueday:all day);-- at the meeting President MIDDLETON came and had a dicussion w/ us on whatever we wanted and he said to drink coffee from the RU CAFFIENATED COFFEESHOP B/c if helpes to reduce our tuition cost!

6-8:45 pm-- i went into the HCC LOUNGE, 2nd floor of HCC and I ate dinner (I got dinner from Paneras, below the UC, direclty following the SGA meeting)  and then I listend to the DAILY BREAKFAST PODCAST (finished listneing) , checked my email, listend to email, and I updated my resume and sent it into the office of career services to be reviewed by them; and caught up on some other stuff, before my evening activity: 

Don't Spit The Water! Improv Comedy Game Show
scheduled October 21, 2008 from 8:45 PM to (approx. ending time 10:15 pm)
Location: HCC Lounge (2nd floor, HCC)

10:40 PM-- I plan to take this metra bnsf train home and...

11:20 PM-- plan to be arrive home ., so I'll be home by at least 11:30 PM-- 

oh boy has this been a full day and busy day! 

So, i've got to go now... but I'll be blogging to you again--hopefully tomorrow! 

Thanks and stay tuned.

by the way, today was SUNNY DAY (not raining!!)  the weather report for today looks like to be sunny w// clouds for most of the week except on Thursday when its excepted to be raining. 

Have a good night and happy autumnal day,

Monday, October 20, 2008

Another Rainy Day: Blogging In Rain Or Shine!

Hello My Dearest Blogger Readers, 

"Rain, rain, pouring rain, its back for another wet, dreary, and rainy day."  Well, yes, if you all couldn't tell from either the title of this entry or looking (or being) outside, then you'll know that its, yet, another rainy fall day.  Blogging can be done in the rain or shine with the hopes that you inside at your computer when doing it!  Since I'm known to blog a lot about the weather, today I'll try not to blog as much about this rainy weather nor the weather report for today. 
I'm happy to announce that I, after a long time of technical difficulties, I have finally posted a link to my first video blog from this past Friday, Oct. 17th.  I have uploaded here--so, see the following link:

Once you've clicked on the following link for the video blog #1 and you are transferred to the page with the video blog post, please click the "play" button, and sit back, relax, and enjoy this first video post.

Please Add A Comment to this post to let me know if you like this video blog and like this sort of thing--this "high-tech" sort of video blog thing!

So, what exciting topics do I have to blog about today? Well, I haven't really given that much thought to it, but to instead just to free write this blog post for day.   So, what's up in the "daily" life of me or in the thoughts of me to share with you all?  Well, not much to report today... same old, same old. Its pretty much been the same, regular Monday routine.  

This late afternoon, as I am taking the train home, sitting directly below me and over on the right side (from where I'm sitting looking at the rear of the train) is a couple, of what appear to be, moms with two young, little kids [girls] with American Girl Dolls and an American Girl Bag with, what appears to be, accessories for that ever-so popular girly fake female people.  Anyways, as I  get back on track, these two moms sound like that have an English (British) accent.  So, my observational question today is, Are these two moms from England? And, if so, Why here in the States, taking a train from Chicago, Union Station, west towards the Downers Grove area?  How they visiting friends? family?  Or did they move hear from England?  Also, could these two moms be friends, sisters, or some other sort of family relation?   These observational questions that I pose today need to not to be answered (would be nice, but need not be); For I am just using my journalistic "mind-set" and observantly wondering these "reporter-like" questions.  

In my photo and/or writing for the Torch news, in this week's issue, on the front page--on the second story, a second baseball photo that I took has appeared and been printed, published in the paper-- and on the front page!  In minor Torch news, the date for this week's issue, Issue 6, reads: October 27,2008... which is next week!--an editing error made in the masthead of this week's issue of the Torch.  So,  what does this mean? Does this mean that you shouldn't could on the Torch for spelling or either editing, revision mistakes nor how to spell right or edit or revise right?  This, plus another error that I, and many found on one of the 1st issues this semester was on the second, front page story where the Torch missed spelled the word: "second."     Where is our world coming to?--can't even use spell check nor revise properly... sad, sad... We should all just learn from these publication mistakes to better edit and revise our own writing.  Also, I, today, this early afternoon, after finishing up the last sentence or two and a few touch-ups to to the story, I finally sent in my newest story to the story for publication in next week's issue to the Torch's editor-in-chief/editors.  So, what's next for my next story for the Torch? Well, Alex informed me that next week's issue will have a major Halloween concentration (I guess since Halloween falls on next Friday), and that I could write a brief blurb about a quick Halloween costume and if I know of any Halloween story or something... As you can see, I have to and need to double check on this next story... so I'll be getting back to you as my next story for the Torch develops.  Please stay tuned to my daily blog for the up to the current, day-to-day happenings (and thoughts) of me, as they occur to date (and don't forget about my weekly blog for the week's overview of happenings, and thoughts, of me)! 

Well, I better get going on my To Do list of a few "brief", last minute items for my two classes that I have tomorrow--English 100 and Physical Geography.   So, there isn't that much to report today, but I found some bit to talk with you today... So as you can see that even the normalest and "regular" days can still bring a lot to talk about in a daily blog.  
So with all the pouring rain that we've got today, I hope that you all find some sunshiny moments today.

Have a happy sunshiny autumnal day despite this pouring rain,