Tuesday, December 2, 2008


To learn more about the book, or rather, to buy the book, then go to the Halo Store on Busted Halo, and then click on the "Books" category near the left hand margin, and then from their click on the "Young Adult Spirituality" category, and from there scroll down the list of product names(titles) until you come upon the title for this pictured (above) book called Googling God: Religious Landscape of People in Their 20s and 30s. The book costs $16.95. 
While you are here at the Busted Halo website, then I heartily recommend that you check out this site--mainly for young adult Catholic's in their 20s and 30s.  

Hello my blogger readers,

  The first item on the agenda for today's "daily" blog post is that of a correction that I would like to make.  I was, or had planned to, upload my video blog post #3 to the previous post (the one right before this one) and for some unforeseen, by me, reason I could not get it to upload to this blog, so don't worry folks, 'cause I am providing you all with a link that you can see my video blog #3... please click on the following link to be directed to my Video Blog #3

  In book-reading news, I don't worry have that much to report, as of now, but perhaps at a later date.  I am just going to leave you all with the title of the book that I just currently started reading ("for fun").  Here it is:
The Religious Landscape of People in their 20s and 30s
by Mike Hayes

   Perhaps once I get a little bit more reading done(as previously stated, I am only at the very beginning--I've read the following beginning sections: acknowledgments, Foreword; and am currently reading the introduction.  ONCE I GET A LITTLE BIT MORE READ, I am going to blog/journal to you some of my "reader response" thoughts on this book, as I am reading, so you all will get a "live", as I am reading this book, insights, reactions, thoughts, and comments about this book that I have. -- SO THIS IS SOMETHING THAT you can all look forward to! 

 So, until the next time that I blog to you, I hope that you all had a happy thanksgiving last week--that you all were stuffed with food, are going to have a nice spiritual advent preparation for Christmas!  So, on behalf of myself, I would like to wish you all a very spiritual and joyous advent, as well as a chilly, yet hopefully still very much warm winter! 

Take Care,

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